facing our flaws

If You Face Your Flaws, You’ll Notice A Change

Flaws aren’t always a bad thing, often times, they end up being our best asset, that is, if you can acknowledge them, understand them, and learn from them. Flaws are part of who we are, for better or worse, we all have them and we all struggle because of them. But embracing them can help us accept, even love, who we are, and they can make us stronger and more compassionate people.

One of the reasons it’s important to deal with, even learn to love, our own flaws, is it will make us less judgmental, after all, when you’re not happy with a quality in yourself, you’re quick to judge others with the same quality. That kind of judgement in yourself and others, ultimately, only hurts ourselves, who wants to walk around with negative energy, furthermore, who wants to be around anybody like that. As stated by Bustle, it’s better to be for something than against it. It makes you a more inspired and energized person. That’s good for your own mental and physical health, as well as those around you.

Accepting and/or dealing with your flaws helps boost your self-esteem, after all, the best way to diminish your confidence is to focus on your flaws with a negative lens. Instead, you can boost your self-esteem by embracing your flaws. Once you do so, your character and emotional maturity will improve and strengthen.

But, how do you embrace the things you don’t like about yourself? I mean, it sounds like one of those, “easier said than done” type of things. First, understand every single person on Earth has flaws, you are not special or alone in that respect. Knowing that, and I mean really truly knowing that, goes a long way. Second, letting that pressure go in yourself, makes it easier to let it go with others, and that brings more stable, happy relationships into your life, which also leads to a larger support system. All things that help us create a more stable life.

The benefits of letting go of the judgements we carry for ourselves and others can have a major impact, and include freeing us to pursue the goals and things we really want in life, the things that make our heart and soul sore. It also just helps us enjoy our day-to-day lives, who doesn’t want to wake up happy everyday and go to sleep feeling more fulfilled?

The bottom line is this, knowing what our flaws are can help us change them, and if we feel strongly about not liking them, that is a good thing. But, ultimately, an even better route to true happiness is learning to accept our flaws. In fact, you can embrace both, work toward changing our flaws, but accept them, and yourself, while in the process. But, if none of this works and you feel your life is being negatively impacted by your own self-judgement or your constant strive for perfectionism, you might consider seeking the help of a therapist, and not judging yourself for doing so. We all need help, from time-to-time.


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