Power and Pixie Dust

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Fruit Infuser Water Bottle

I don’t drink enough water, and if I didn’t know that, the test results from my recent physical confirmed it. Almost every result came back fine for everything other than, dehydration 😫 There was a time that water was all I drank, but somewhere along the line, I turned around and not only was I not drinking water, I was drinking nothing but energy drinks and soda.

The problem is that sugar is addictive so once I started down that path, I fell into the abyss. One of the test results came back with high potassium levels, which can cause a heart attack. It turned out I didn’t really have high Potassium, thank God, severe dehydration can interfere with the blood causing a false result. Message received loud and clear, I need more water.

I thought I would have to grit my teeth and bare it, but then I saw this water bottle and thought, why not give it a try. Adding fruit could at least add some flavor and sweetness. And, it’s super easy to use. Just cut up your favorite fruit and put it in the middle container, which closes at the top and has holes throughout that are small enough to keep the fruit in place and big enough to allow the flow to infuse into the water.

I’m up to a minimum of 1 full bottle a day, sometimes almost 2. I still allow myself some of the other drinks I like, but I made sure to cut way down. If I deny myself completely, It will only make me want it more. Some of the other benefits of the water bottle include:

  • Hand grip making it easy to carry

  • Sturdy removable attachment that allows you to hang it on a handle: bike, treadmill, etc

  • Insulated to keep your cold drinks cold

  • Leak Proof material, even when I shake it to mix up and help the diffusion process

  • Top lid that opens up to an opening for a straw

It may seem kind of silly to make a big deal about a water bottle, but when your health is at risk and you dread the thought of doing what it takes to make it better, anything that can help is a big deal.

Let me know if you try it and how you think it works.