My profound procedure: day of & 1 day after

trigger warning: images & videos contain extreme swelling and bruising

Yesterday was the day, I finally had my ProfoundRF procedure and, well, let’s just say, it was, and still is, rough. It isn’t that there were things about it I wasn’t aware of or wasn’t expecting, it was that it was all more of everything I had heard: more pain, more swelling, more discomfort, more looking like a mack truck smacked me in the face. And, even stranger, or at least more unexpected, I’ve been having an emotional reaction. My theory is the emotional reaction is caused by a few factors combining together: A biological reaction to the trauma my body went through, shock at seeing my face look like it does, and more pain during the procedure than I expected. At this point, i’m a little more than 24hrs out from the treatment and I’m still grappling with looking in the mirror.

Before and after of my ProfoundRF procedure

Before and After

I was so excited right before the procedure, blissfully unaware that there would be more pain than I had expected

what is profoundRF

Profound RF is an FDA-cleared, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure for the face and body. It uses a combination of microneedling with radiofrequency energy to tighten skin, reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, and fade scars. It can also be used on the body to fade scars (including acne scars and stretch marks), firm mildly sagging skin, and diminish the appearance of cellulite. My session started off with the nurse practitioner slathering numbing cream on my face. I then sat there for the next 20mins while the cream worked its magic, I was so relaxed at that point I actually fell asleep. Once the cream had done its job, I was given shots to numb my face even more. Once they were done with that, I spent the next two hours having needles shot into my face and once in place, what felt like electrical shocks, commenced.

It’s those electrical shocks that hold the magic, the radio frequency they emit combined with the needles’ ability to go deep enough to make a difference cause the collagen to begin regenerating. Or, at least that’s how I understand it to happen. Either way, I know that it is the combination of how deep the needles can go and the level of the radio frequency at the deeper level that make Profound the most highly touted skin care procedure out there right now.

what was my experience with profoundRF

As I mentioned, getting the ProfoundRF treatment for my sagging skin was a bit more than I thought it would be:

  • More pain - I read that once your face was numb the treatment was more uncomfortable than painful and on some parts of my face that was true, basically the middle of my cheeks and parts of my jaw were either completely pain free or on the mild side, everything around my mouth was about a 7 or 8 on a scale from 1-10 in pain, my neck, surprisingly, experienced little to no pain

  • More Facial Trauma - I knew there would be swelling and bruising, but was just not prepared to see how much and to see it on my own face

  • More Emotional Reaction - This is the weird part, I am having an emotional reaction today, a day after the treatment to tighten my skin. I don’t know if it’s sadness, depression, or a biological reaction to the trauma my body went through. Either way, It’s surprising to me, to say the least.

benefits of microneedling with profoundRF

At 53, I have gotten to the point where anti-aging skincare just isn’t cutting it anymore, I need more to push back the hands of time, along with the flapping loose skin hanging from my neck, and don’t get me started on the lines around my mouth and marionette lines. I’d say they’ve both gotten much worse over the past three years. Once I turned 50, something definitely changed. So, I was looking for the whole enchilada, as far as benefits from microneedling with RF goes.

In a nutshell, here is what the RF treatment preports to do:

  • Tighten and lift the sagging skin in your jowls

  • Reduce, ney, get rid of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Reverse loose skin on your neck or body

  • Reduce or get rid of cellulite

What Am I Hoping To Get Out of the skin treatment

I’m hoping for it all, all of the benefits the Profound skin tightening treatment is supposed to provide.

I want to:

  • Tighten the loose skin on my neck

  • Minimize the wrinkles around my mouth

  • Fill in the hallows in my cheeks

  • Get rid of jowls

All take as much help with these skin issues as I can get.

A view of my neck and the effects of the Profound Radio Frequency treatment on my neck

Neck View

They gave my neck extra attention, which was great. But, it’s the most painful part of my face today, one day after the treatment


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