Can’t Hide From COVID

Well, I spent over two years doing everything I could to protect myself from it, and yet, here I am, with a pretty bad case of COVID 😫 I caught it from my husband, but, honestly, we could have been in the same place when he got it and it either hibernated in my longer, or I just got lucky at that time and caught it from him right after at home. Either way, it doesn’t really matter, at this point i’ve resigned myself to the fact that we are all bound to get it at some point. Now that the vaccines are available to everybody, the main threat of, you know, death, is over, so it really is like getting the flu. At least for me, it is far more like a bad flu than a simple cold.

Face showing pain

The Look of Pain

It kind of looks like i’m smiling, but in reality, i’m in agony. Feeling pain from the top of my hair to the bottom of my toes

What I’m Experiencing

My husband woke up last Monday feeling achy, he had not slept all night but didn’t know why. He felt fine on Sunday which was Father’s Day, but for some reason could not sleep that night. Of course, now we know he was sick he just didn’t have discernible symptoms yet. Monday, he felt achy but we chalked that up to lack of sleep. That is, until Monday night when he was in a lot of pain, had fever, chills, and was sweating through his clothes. Boom! I knew what was happening at that point, COVID. I pulled out the leftover tests we had from January when my stepson had COVID, tested and, sure enough, my husband’s test was positive. Mine, however, was negative. I either had super immunity, or I was going to test positive in the next day or two. Sure enough, Thursday morning, it happened. So, how was this going to be for me? I was about to find out.

By the afternoon, I was in pain from the top of my hair to my toes. Chills, sweating, freezing, back and forth I went. I got zero sleep that night, in agony from the aches and pains, and, Friday was no better. Saturday, the same. I was taking 2 Advil every two hours, though, and it did keep the pain at bay, which was nice. Sunday, that’s today, I finally felt a little tiny bit better. But, wow, I mean this thing is kicking my ass! It’s the pain that is the worst for me, at least so far. I am a little congested with a small cough, but barely noticeable, to be honest. My husband’s week was fairly similar but not quite as bad. Less pain, less chills and sweating, less of everything. But, i’m not gonna lessen what he has gone through because it hasn’t been fun for him either.

Positive COVID Test


This was not a test result I ever wanted to see

At this point, i’ve had COVID for 4 days, i’m hoping that I start to feel better tomorrow and continue on that path until I am fully recovered. Here is the worst part of all of this, I had already planned on getting the 4th booster, it’s been 8 months since my third and I would have gotten the damn booster sooner but i’m going to Florida next month and I wanted to be as fully protected as possible 😫 Ironically, between getting COVID and, yes I will still be getting a 4th booster, I should be invincible 💪🏻

If this whole thing ends up taking longer to recover from than I expect, I will write a follow up post to update you on my personal journey through COVID.


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